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1、HappyLanternFestival! SpringLanternFestivalisnotgifts,clockworkSmSblessyou:ahealthyandhappyalwayswithyou,g oodluckandyoudonotseparate,finallyl!

2、The Year of the Ox, the Year of the Ox, and the Lantern Festival on the fifteenth day of the first month! You carry the lamp, I carry the lamp, one by one is full of lamps! I wish you: the lights are dim, and you are walking with lanterns. Happy Lantern Festival!

3、at this moment, I have the deepest yearning to cloud Qiaoqu full blessing embellishment you sweet dreams, you would like to have a happy Feast这一刻,有我最深的思念, 让云捎去满心的祝福,点缀你甜蜜的梦,愿你拥有一个幸福快乐的元宵节。

4、元宵缘宵少圆宵,三五圆宵胃难消。今宵切莫贪馋嘴,祝你美满度良宵!Yuanxiao edge flaring less round night, three to five round night hard to stomach. Never greedy available tonight, I wish you a happy night!

5、元宵夜连连,万户雪花开。欢歌笑语,千家把酒赏花灯。Yuan snack, oon brightness degree of the holidays.

6、祝愿你好运幸运常相伴,幸福快乐到永远! I wish you good luck and good luck, and happy forever!

7、wish you a happy Lantern Festival, unlimited happiness!

8、Give you a brilliant light, business makes a lot of money.

9、I wish you could watch the dumplings round, eat them full, have a round face, have a happy family reunion, have a successful career, spend a good month on love, and be happy for a lifetime.


11、Thinking of you during the Lantern Festival, sending a message to greet you, sending some warmth to accompany you, seeking good luck belongs to you, blessing and wealth to cover you, and sincere wishes to you, wishing you a happy Lantern Festival and the best of everything.

12、wish you all the money and I wish you the best wishes for the Lantern Festival.

13、In this Lantern Festival, I wish all your dreams a happy and happy life!

14、I wish you a beautiful life and smooth work!

15、祝元宵节快乐! 元宵佳节庆祝活动多与家人团聚多幸福,身体健康,家庭幸福,更有利可图的, 每年都有更多的钱比运气和良好的祝愿有 更多更多的!

16、The Lantern Festival is full of soup, and a happy life is sweet in my heart. Celebrate the festive season with great joy, and dance with the dragon and the lion to pray for a bumper year. All kinds of lanterns are colorful, and guessing activities are full of fun. The sound of firecrackers was deafening, and fireworks were scattered all over the world. Wish you a family reunion, everyone will envy you, and you will be lucky and safe. Happy Lantern Festival!




19、Today is valentine's day you are still not in my side You close your eyes will feel a deep feeling but speechless heart is racing and your heart together

20、I wish my teacher all the best and a happy Lantern Festival!

21、云可能是大片的的,雨是透明的,风是执着的,我对你是一个深刻的感觉,思 维是一个浪漫的,爱是永恒的,星星是辉煌 的,你是难忘的。



24、Round and round, sweet and honey, and beautiful, smooth!

25、In this season of bright lights, let's meet at dusk, and tonight I will make you the happiest person.

26、Suspended, time comes and goes in a hurry; Affection has become hazy in an instant; Auspicious, red lanterns and fireworks hung high, and the sky was shining all night; Yuehua, spread out a beautiful dream. Lantern Festival, I wish you happiness and contentment!



29、Auspicious flowers bloom for you, happy fruits bear fruit for you, happiness and sweetness brew for you, the ladder of peace builds for you, and blessing messages are written for you. I wish you a happy Lantern Festival, good health and all the best!

30、May you have a bright future and a bright future.

31、Happy Lantern Festival! My dear, I am sorry we can not together for Lantern Festival, but I will at the dinner table for you Tim a bowl and chopsticks, as you like at my side.元宵节快乐!亲爱的,对不起,我们不能一起过元宵节,但我会在餐桌上给你添碗筷,只要你喜欢,在我的身边。

32、The day of the first month Shiwuru infants round, sweet blessings of Beier ah, you would like to win pretty 20xx ah, good luck often repeatedly ah, the Lantern Festival happy!


34、May the Lantern Festival be blessed! Rich! Much happier!


36、元宵到,祝愿你:春风春雨春常在,好花好月好年景!Yuanxiao, wishes you: often in spring, the spring breeze spring rain well spend on good times!


37、真诚地祝你-元宵节快乐!相思应邀派敬酒,月亮是圆的乐趣团 SpringLanternFestivaltroublelantern,,themoonisroundfunreunion!

38、The Lantern Festival wishing you a song in your heart!

39、On the fifteenth day of the first month, the picture shows a happy reunion. People should be reunited, their hearts should be reunited, their dreams should be reunited, and their feelings should be reunited. Tangyuan is very round, and the moon is more round. Missing far away, but still sent to the front. Happy Lantern Festival, happy family!

40、made simple caress m, knead into a truly, wrapped in a happy and sweet, filled with holy stream water system, sticky pulp is my heart, let it leaves your festival mixed mood!


42、元宵佳节数元宝,银色珍珠水上飘,围坐餐桌品元宵,团圆节日乐淘淘。 Lantern Festival several ingots, silver pearl ach. Never greedy available tonight, I . Yuan yuan all be submitted to the rice glue ball, snoper harvest.



45、I put down a lotus lantern by the lake, and the lake rippled with my greetings and gently came to you with the waves; I raised a Kongming lantern in the sky, and the moonlight reflected my blessing, which was quietly sent to you with the wind. Happy Lantern Festival!


47、Give you a beautiful lantern, wish you a colorful life.

48、Heart to let you hear, love to let you see, not afraid to admit hoent afar, e, good people, happy and more reunion!

49、round bright moon, according to the reunion of thousands of families, happiness is around.


51、祝你好运在手乐呵呵的每一个圆头圆他们的梦想成真。 圆圆的月亮的脸,甜甜的汤圆新鲜甜甜蜜精神,装得满满的盛给你一碗,装上 我的美国和美国和美国的美国祝愿元宵节!


53、Wish you: virtuous and upright, free and fearless, live up to time. Happy Lantern Festival!

54、Give you a bowl of sweet dumplings. May your love be sweet and happy.




