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1、Behind the clouds are the bright afterglow of the sun and sparkling fairy tales. good night!

2、I copied all the love words. It's true that I want to tell you. good night!

3、hearing you say good night to me every night is the simplest and the most lasting happiness i h*e.

4、From today on, you like me, and I'll allow it. good night!




8、Tell me what you like. I'm not irresponsible. good night!

9、We now races, who first dream to see Zhou Gong, if I win, you let me kiss you, if you win, I let you kiss! Come on. Sleep fast! Tomorrow morning message announcement of results, will meet" awards".  我们现在比赛,谁先梦见到周公,


11、I hand you like memory, memory with ear your voice, with the lip memory your taste, with the eyes remember your dribs and drabs, carefully remember everything you do, baby! I love you! Good night.

12、Love is strange and mysterious..Just like Jelly beans..爱是陌生而且神秘的..就像Jelly beans(软糖豆)一样。

13、If only like, why exaggerate into love. Say to yourself, come on, good night!

14、man falls in love through his eyes, a an too perfect to be really true? Do I ething you do爱不是靠感觉,而是靠行动。

15、Everyone knows that life is not just to live, but to get happiness. But the happiness of the human being lies in the happiness of the heart. Life itself is happiness.

16、Sweet dreams!  甜蜜的梦!晚安!

17、Wish all the pain, can leave a long-standing greetings to oneself in good night.


19、Once thought to have better, repeatedly discovered, the best in the side, just like you. First comes to you, not to come, with the passage of time, only to find out that you are the best, bully!

20、Believe me, love you is my life wish.


“The haze is free and the stone is wild.”晚上是我们有时间对一天进行反思的时候,晚上是我们有时间对一天进行反思的时候,你平时会收集晚安问候语吗?小编整理了关于英文朋友圈文案晚安短句的相关信息,我们希望这些句子能够解决您对相关内容的困惑!...

