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“Love is like a beast, swallowing us.”成长的阶段中,我们会有不一样的情绪和心境你平时会收藏有关伤感的文案吗?句怡美为了解决您的问题认真整理了英文语录短句伤感的相关内容,衷心感谢您的浏览光临!



2、Break up happy, who will be happy after breaking up.


4、Its better to hate each other than to love.

5、Let go of what you have to let go and quit the drama without ending.

6、When the sun is sad, the sun will turn black.

7、I made million, one lost memory, one memory.

8、Smile is like a band aid, covering up the wound, the pain is still there.


10、Rainy days are not suitable for crying, I dont like tears without traces.

11、The story of the past is always a memory. It will hurt, cry and remember.

12、If you dont get paid in return, you need to know how to stop. Otherwise, you will disturb others and hurt yourself.

13、Years take away memories, but memories will become more and more clear.

14、Im the only one left in the world. I dont think you will come to me again.

15、I hide you in the bottom of my heart, just in order not to let myself forget.



17、No one is tired of drinking because of the wateriness, so dont abandon life because of the wateriness.

18、No matter how sweet people are, there is a place that is bitter.

19、I cant let go of the silence that cant be weakened.

20、Facing your bright head, I finally became indifferent.

21、Love is so tiring. Why should we fall in love.

22、May your love soar on the wings of a dove fly.

23、The summer after the rain stopped, the air no came at the end of spring rain fresh feeling.

24、The mountains and rivers in my life, you can say goodbye one by one.

25、Women are the bane of water, but you are the bane of water.




29、I missed a lot, I was always a sad person.

30、Love is like a beast, swallowing us.

31、Promise is too cheap, oath is not reliable, now who is by your side, cherish it.




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