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1、Many years later, people say that older issues can be buried, but I know this is wrong, because he will climb by the past。

2、不要光顾着看别人,走错了自己脚下的路。Don't come to watch other people, oneself go wrong atthe foot of the road。

3、Sometimes when I say m ok I just want some one to look me in the eyes, hug me tight, and say, I know youre not 有时候我说我很好。-----其实我是多希望,有个人能看穿我的伪装并紧紧抱住我,说:我知道,你并不好。

4、所有幸运和巧合的事,要么是上天注定,要么是一个人偷偷的在努力。All lucky and coincidental things are either doomed to be or someone is secretly working hard

5、世上最好的保鲜就是不断进步,让自己成为一个更好和更值得爱的人。早安!The best preservation in the world is to keep improving and make yourself a better and more worthy person. Good morning! We spend more, but enjoy less. We have bigger houses, but smaller families. —— 我们花费得越来越多,但享受越来越少;房子越来越大,家却越来越小。

6、开心点,没什么好在意的,反正我们谁也別想活著离开这个世界。Be happy, nothing to care about, anyway wewho also don't want to leave this world alive。

7、不见得你比别人更痛些,只不过你表达得精彩些。Not you more pain than others, but you expresssomething wonderful。

8、如果没有人爱我们,我们也就不会再爱自己了。There is no remedy for love but to love more.

9、If you once eulogized the daybreak, then also asks you to embrace the darkness. 如果你曾经歌颂黎明,那么也请你去拥抱黑夜。


11、Look at the sky: its ready for you Look at the faces of everyone in the street: they are also prepared for you When you have nothing, wake up in the morning to think about this

12、有时候我真的好想把心掏出来然后一把甩出去,然后说:你疼啥疼?没出息的东西。Sometimes I really want to pour outmy heart out and then a sling out, and then said: you what pain? Noambition。

13、Who doesnt want to live easily, no pressure, all along with the gender, but if you really like to do it, you will find that the world is against you。

14、Our greatest glory consists not in never falling, but in rising every time we fall after all。 Good morning, come on! My dear friends!

15、Butthat morning,I began tosel fexile, because I had not stood under a beautiful flo the body to the heart. 张开双臂,拥抱每一个充满希望的早晨,让阳光从身上温暖到心底。


16、Must stand up again, tell yourself, continue to go, journey is not over, even if to pick up something already were crushed to pieces。

17、people with grief at separation and joy in Union, life has not Thai changes, there are four seasons change, through the night, you can see the dawn. 人有悲欢离合,命有否泰变化,年有四季更替,熬过长夜,你便能见到黎明。

18、Wake up every morning, you and the sun in, this is the future I want to. 每天早上醒来,你和阳光都在,这就是我想要的未来。

19、如果没有相等的`爱,那就让我爱多一些吧。Love is a vine that grows into our hearts.

20、When you feel pain, just go and learn something.

21、无论生活怎样,都不要忘记微笑。愿你成为自己的太阳,无需凭借谁的光。No matter what life is like, don't forgetto smile. May you be your own sun, without whose light you need.

22、Such things as memory, let him go, give him freedom, than to imprison him, reminding you every day painful past, more sensible。

23、Wed better struggle for the future rather than regret for the past

24、To change the pain, but not to change their own will endure hardship.

25、我不要短暂的温存,只要你一世的陪伴。I don't want to be short of warmth, as long as you arein the company of the first world.

26、The heart itself is not big, dont carry too much。 The tangle of yesterday, will only be imprisoned your today and tomorrow。 Life, must learn to let go!

27、You know you need to let go but can not let go, because you are still waiting for the impossible occurs, the feeling is really uncomfortable。

28、女生只有在自己喜欢的男生面前可以变成女生,其他时候必须像个爷们儿一样去奋斗!Girls only in front of you like boyscan be changed into girls, other times must like a gentleman to struggle!

29、你是我的,我是你的,很简单很满足。It's so simple and satisfying that you belong to me and Ibelong to you

30、Do the dancer of life, as long as the heart is still, the show did not end做生命的舞者,只要心跳还在,演出就没有落幕。



