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1、元宵佳节祝福你,做个元宵送给你!滑滑的,甜甜的,对你的感情粘粘的!Make a yuanxiao Lantern Festival bless you, to you! Slippery, sweet, the feelings of the sticky to you!



4、Tangyuan is sticky, people are reunited, red candles and lanterns make the festive season, and the whole family is happy. Firecrackers laugh and laugh, gradually become speechless, the stars are dim, and the moonlight shines like water without sleep. The Lantern Festival is warm. I wish you a happy Lantern Festival.

5、花好月圆人团圆,群灯曾艳你最“好”。寄去相思和祝愿,网中情缘愿梦“圆”。 Spending a reunion, group of lamp Ceng Yan you most "good". Send acacia and wishes, the net love to dream "circle".

6、I wish you a beautiful life and smooth work!




10、White is the sweetest, smooth, round and warm. Crystal clear small balls, cooking and frying are fragrant. Everyone loves everyone, and they are reluctant to look back. Only the night festival has more tastes, and everyone sticks out their thumbs to praise it.


12、I wish you a happy Lantern Festival, and happiness will never return!


14、I put down a lotus lantern by the lake, and the lake rippled with my greetings and gently came to you with the waves; I raised a Kongming lantern in the sky, and the moonlight reflected my blessing, which was quietly sent to you with the wind. Happy Lantern Festival!

15、The Lantern Festival is sweet. I wish everything a wish, and my dreams will always come true!

16、Lantern Festival lights are competing with the moon in the sky to show the light. New Year's greetings rest here and go on forever. Small dumplings wrap happiness and send it into your heart. Lantern Festival wishes you a happy family!


18、Auspicious flowers bloom for you, happy fruits bear fruit for you, happiness and sweetness brew for you, the ladder of peace builds for you, and blessing messages are written for you. I wish you a happy Lantern Festival, good health and all the best!


20、The Lantern Festival is coming. I'll give you a bowl of happy Lantern Festival.

21、Lantern Festival Lantern Festival, Lantern Festival!


23、Lantern Festival, family reunion, make a wish round and round; Japanese yen, full moon, round and round; Official sources, financial resources, and both sides; Popularity, happiness, endless. Sincerely bless you: May you be happy! Happy Lantern Festival!

24、在这灯如昼的时节,我们一起相约黄昏后,今晚我要让你成为最幸福的人儿。 In the season of light such as day, we meet after dusk, tonight I want you to be the most happy people.

25、I wish you good luck on Lantern Festival, and everything goes well!

26、Lantern Festival, I wish you happiness forever, happiness forever and good luck forever!

27、I wish the Lantern Festival a good mood, good health and everything goes well.

28、Happy new year, Lantern Festival to, lucky happiness around the year.

29、May your family be happy and all the best!



32、Happy to eat the Lantern Festival, happy tonight. Wish you a happy Lantern Festival!

33、The cold wind blew away the spring, and the clouds covered the full moon. But Ruixue brings good luck, and greetings send blessings. As long as you have a bright moon in your heart, happiness will always accompany you. Happy Lantern Festival to my friends!

34、wish you, tomorrow today, holding the baby, holding her husband, happy celebration of the Lantern Festival.

35、The Lantern Festival is coming, send you a bowl of boiled dumplings love with the real feeling, make peace with it, until you。 This bowl of dumplings to store all the warm and cold away, release all the truth, let the happiness accompany you forever。


37、On the moon, the head of the willow shoots, and the lanterns overflow with color. Crowds come and go, giving directions to Yuqiong Building. When the full moon hangs in the sky, how many worries do you miss? Wishing you a total of 1000-year-old blessings. Happy Lantern Festival!

38、Celebrate the Lantern Festival, celebrate the festive season, and make a fortune!

39、Wishing you peace, joy and happiness and everything all the best through Lantern !在元宵节来临之际,祝你平安,快乐,幸福。万事圆!


41、Wish you luck, happiness and joy on Lantern Festival.



44、敲响是钟声,走过的是岁月,留下的是故事,带来的是希望,盼望的是美好送来的是祝福,愿你幸福快乐。 Ring is, through the years, leaving story, is the hope, hope is a good sent to me is a blessing, wish you happy.


46、Flowers and months really entertain people. Peach blossoms and willows can't win spring. When spring arrives, people on earth are like jade. Fireworks are shining like silver. The streets are full of neon and handsome men and women. Singing and dancing on the spot celebrate their good times. Send a text message to enjoy it with you. Happy birthday comes to your door.

47、Lantern Festival is not altogether gifts clockwork SMS send to you healthy and happy longer with you good luck and you are not isolated there let me tell you the god of wealth already follow you!




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