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“You take my breath away.”在这里我们为大家整理了一份涵盖多种美食菜系的信息,有哪些你永远都忘不了的爱情的句子呢?爱情是两个人之间最美丽的章节,是一份神秘而又跌宕的礼物需要我们用心去心领神会,以下句子仅供参考!

1、You're wonderful friend, and I treasure you more with every year.

2、I would like weeping with the smile rather than repenting with the cry,when my heart is broken ,is it needed to fix.

3、You stepped out of my dreams andsintosmy arms. I can’t let you go. Happy Valentine’s Day.

4、Wish your Mr.Right/Miss Right will appear soon.希望你的心上人早日出现。

5、I wait for you in the future。

6、Happy Valenti ne’s Day, Dear.

7、For a long time with is how long?Buried in the side enough。

8、You are the reason why I became stronger。But still,you are my weakness。

9、Keep love in your heart. A life without it is like a sunless garden when the flowers are dead. The consciousness of loving and being loved brings a warmth and a richness to life that nothing else can bring.

10、You take my breath away.

11、in love folly is always sweet.

12、Like a person,is not painful。Love a person,may have lingering pain,but he gave me happiness,but also the greatest joy in the world。

13、love is like a butterfly. it goes where it pleases and it pleases where it goes.

14、But through all this time,Remember one thing. I'll love you forever, 'coz to my life, Love and Light, you bring.

15、how do i say i love you? how do i tell you i care? how do i tell you i've missed you, and let you know i'm here?

16、i love you not only for what you are, but for what i am when i am with you. i love you not only for what you have made of yourself, but for what you are making of me. i love you for the part of me that you bring out.

17、the most precious possession that ever comes to a man in this world is a woman’s heart.

18、Love isn't just for the smart of talented, but for all the animals God created.

19、I know next to you is not where I belong。

20、Sorry,I forgot。You don’t need me anymore。

21、Life is short, live it. Love is rare, grab it.Anger is bad, dump it. Fear is awful, face it.Memories are sweet, cherish it.人生苦短,用心生活。真爱不多,好好把握。生气无益,及早抛弃。恐惧很糟,勇敢面对。甜蜜记忆,好好珍惜。

22、Time is a great thing,can let fate displaced within Iraq。

23、Please remember: When the pain of holding on is greater than the pain of letting go, it’s time to let go. 记住:当坚持之苦大过放弃之痛,就是该放手的时候了。

24、When you have something you really love but it causes you pain, God is just testing you to see if you are strong enough to hold it. 当你真正喜欢一样东西,但它又给你带来伤害的.时候,其实这是老天在考验你是否足够坚持。

25、Who, being loved, is poor?From majestic mountains and valleys of GRE en to crystal clear waters so blue, this wish is coming to you.



