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4、I wish you a clear sky, a happy heart, freedom to float with the wind, good health, enthusiasm and success in your dreams during the Spring Festival!

5、The warmest words are in my heart, and the happiest time is at this moment. My future has been fixed, and the most beautiful smile has bloomed. Happiness is surrounded, good luck is gathered, friendship is sublimated and enthusiasm is boiling. New year's Eve, I wish you happiness!

6、When the young year comes, tie the broom with "Rose", scoop water for laundry in "Pacific Ocean", make a stove with "Peru", and let "Portugal" taste happiness for you. In this young year, the world celebrates with you! Happy holidays!

7、In the year of the tiger, I will send you a big treasure, with a wide source of wealth and running home; The year of the tiger gives you many blessings and a happy day with your family; In the year of the tiger, I will send you a red cotton padded jacket, which will warm your body and your heart; The year of the tiger is blessed with many blessings, and everything goes well in the year.


9、Turn over the thinning calendar, play the troubles on your body, show a happy smile, draw the draft of the new year, think about the success or failure of the past, and thank your friends for their care. I wish you happiness every year and wish your family well every year!


11、allow me to congratulate you on the arrival of the new year andtoextend to you all my best wishes for your perfect health andlastingprosperity.



14、Wave goodbye to troubles; Raise your head to welcome the splendid; Deep blessing to you; There are always worries in my heart. Another spring festival is coming. I wish you happiness forever!



17、With the arrival of the Spring Festival, the God of wealth, wealth and longevity sends greetings and wishes for the arrival of double happiness. I send 44 wishes you all the best, 66 wishes you smooth and smooth, 88 wishes you rich and rich, and 99 wishes you happiness for a long time.




21、May the coming year be filled with joy, peace, and prosperity!


22、Here's to a new year filled with endless happiness and joy!


24、Long time no see, very missed。 In this warm day, often recalled coexistence years。 I wish a happy New Year, happy!



27、Friends are always heart to heart, and bosom friends are worth thousands of gold; Think of virtuous friends under the light, and send good news through small text messages; Look to your friends and see the news as you see people. Don't forget your friends at all times. wish you a happy new year!



30、Gongs and drums are noisy and firecrackers are noisy. Red lanterns are hung and Spring Festival couplets are pasted on the door. The door God stands by two sides. Don't enter the room if you are worried. Like the Spring Festival, everyone prays for good luck. Wish you a new year, a happy life and a prosperous career!

31、The sun is warm, the new year is coming quietly, good luck is gently around, happy smile, health is held for a long time, success is high step by step, happiness is beautiful year by year, peace is good year by year, blessings are slowly tasted, and the mood is wonderful every day! Happy New Year!



34、New Year's greetings will never grow old. I wish you all the best. I'll fill you up twice a day, count your money in bed, and often see you giggle. May you be young and young!

35、The new year is coming, the new year is coming, the new year is coming, it's really lively; Firecrackers ring, the flame is bright, and the child's face is smiling; Celebrate reunion, send blessings, good luck and good luck. I wish you a happy new year and every day is getting better and better!


37、Warm steamed rice cake on New Year's Eve, wishing happiness to be high every year; New year's Eve is warm, red lights are hung, and I wish the day is red. Warm and warm New Year's Eve, I wish my friends and family a happy reunion, happiness and auspiciousness, and enjoy our family.


39、The Spring Festival is coming. I'll give you a coat. Peace is in front, happiness is in the back, luck is the collar, Ruyi is the sleeve, happiness is the button, and the pocket is full of warmth. Put it on and let it accompany you every day! Happy New Year!


41、Happy to welcome the New Year, and the New Year will debut first. Happy to buy new year's goods, sweet and fragrant. Sacrifice the stove and mix the noodle soup, and send good luck safely. Clean for the New Year, busy cleaning the courtyard. I wish you happiness and well-being when I send my blessing to you!



43、Everything goes well, good luck, good weather, rolling wealth, innocence and innocence. Celebrate the festival, beautiful as flowers and radiant. Bo Jun smiles and is elated. Congratulations on getting rich. Bring the red envelope.


45、Your kindness like dashan, instructing you remind me, you are my life's example, the Spring Festival approaching, sincerely wish teachers, health happy, youth!


47、When the Spring Festival comes, it's early to pay New Year's greetings; Send you a cup of mellow wine, I wish you follow good luck; Send you an auspicious picture, everyone praises the happiness of life; Send you a red lantern, everything is prosperous and your family is prosperous; Happy New Year! Congratulations in advance!

48、When the year of the tiger comes, we are full of hesitation and have high aspirations compared with the sky. When the Spring Festival comes, luck changes, and bad luck avoids the company of good luck. Everything goes well and makes a lot of money, and the family smiles happily. Safe and healthy around, happy life to always. I wish the year of the tiger every success and happiness.

49、New Year time is here. I hope you have a wonderful New Year. May every day hold happy hours for you. 新年来临,祝新年欢乐,愿你时时刻刻欢乐欢乐!



52、Eat dumplings on New Year's Eve and make a round family. Kowtow for money is a child and kowtow with sound is a filial son. You know that paying New Year's greetings is a talent, receiving blessings is gold, and not returning blessings is a fool. I wish you a happy New Year's Eve and a happy New Year!



55、Pain belongs to others, and happiness belongs to yourself; Trouble will be temporary, friends are always eternal; Love is managed by heart. There is no big deal in the world. Happy new year.



58、Let happiness stun you; Let blessings surround you; Let good luck soak you; Let happiness envelop you; Let health not leave you; Let the God of wealth follow you; Let the blessing stick to you. Let all the wonderful moments belong to you! Happy New Year!

59、Season's greetingsfromXiao Li and Ming Ming.

60、In the ing year, wishing you peace, joy and happiness! Wishing you a song in the heart forever, happy New Year!

61、In the new year, may you enter the new year with peace, health, happiness, warmth, sweetness, wealth and good luck and spend every day happily!

62、When the annual New Year's Eve comes, heaven and earth laugh. Firecrackers and fireworks are indispensable, blooming brilliantly and adding beauty. How wonderful the couplets of window flowers are, and the candlelight sets off happiness. Unforgettable tonight, happy reunion, happy family, Taotao. Dear friends, I wish you a happy New Year's Eve.



Live long and proper!多福多寿!每天的与人交流是生活中稀松平常的举动,好友之间分享句子已经见怪不怪,一句话的魅力往往来自于它的凝练表达。你在生活中会用什么样的句子呢?经过收集,我们为您献上兔年春节祝福语英语怎么写,希望你能从中找到有用的内容!...

