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十五的元宵圆又圆,生活幸福比蜜甜。The Lantern Festival of 15 is round and round, and life is more happy tha~~关于这个还有哪些句子可以分享?句怡美编辑现在向你推荐祝元宵节快乐的英文祝福语(通用56条),欢迎阅读,希望你能够喜欢并分享!


1、A snow harvest, lanterns at peace, tonight the moon circle, friends not meet, message transfer miss, blessing uninterruptedly, may happiness always accompany, friends heart, the family Chang Baoxian sweet, happy life in the coming year will reunite! Happy Lantern Festival!

2、你的眼睛很圆,因为有神,你的脸蛋很圆,因为有福,你的元宵节元宵很圆,因为家人一起团团圆圆,元宵节快乐。Your eyes are very round, because god, your face is round, because blessed, your Lantern Festival lantern is round, because the family reunion, happy Lantern Festival。

3、The night time is suspended, enjoying the full passion; The moon and the stars look at the drunk, now the sweet singing companion; Tang yuan is located in a thousand homes, sweet smile on the cheeks; The song and the festival life, good luck and good luck meet. I wish you a lucky day and a happy day.

4、月到十五分外圆,把我疼爱把我怜,常常把我挂心间,今夜的汤圆甚是黏,象征我俩圆圆圆。Month to points circle, I love my flow, often hang my heart, tonight the dumplings is very sticky, symbol we round and round。

5、元宵节到了,愿你快乐不停!The Lantern Festival is coming. May you be happy!

6、祝你的家庭美满乐团圆,元宵佳节快乐!I wish your family a happy reunion and a happy Lantern Festival!

7、The light of the Lantern Festival blessing, the fish dragon play the Lantern Festival. Glass sheng shi family huan, jinxiu three spring life. Tuan tuan yuan yuan yuan xiao, sweet and sweet and happy today. Best wishes for a happy Lantern Festival!

8、过完大年过元宵,点起花灯庆丰年!祝元宵节快乐!After the lunar new year, Lantern Festival, light the Lantern Festival! Happy Lantern Festival!

9、亲朋好友话桑梓,浓情蜜意在元宵!Friends and family talk about mulberry, deep love in the Lantern Festival!

10、January 15 yuan xiao eat dumplings: you round me round, everyone! Yen month circle, everything is round! Source of people, everywhere! Official source revenue, a steady stream! Desire, desire, desire!

11、The moon is round and round, and the sweet dumpling is a good luck. I wish you a happy and happy family.

12、Visionary, considering you have ideal, and has great wisdom, the universe super invincible genius, beloved, see flowers blossom, car see flat tire, then there will be a mass text messages jam, so early to wish you: happy Lantern Festival!

13、祝君元宵乐开怀,自在逍遥福无边!I wish you a happy Lantern Festival, free and happy!

14、元宵佳节来临之际,在微信中祝你幸福圆满!On the eve of the Lantern Festival, I wish you happiness in wechat!

15、The moon was falling, and I left reluctantly. But the people who watched the lanterns were still in the stream, and all kinds of colored lights were shining like stars in the sky. It was "a night of intoxication, only spring."

16、赏明月,观花灯,今宵花好月圆。Enjoy the bright moon, watch the lantern, and enjoy the full moon tonight.

17、送你一碗汤圆,你将圆一场事业的美梦,圆出温暖如春的爱情,圆得家人幸福的团聚,圆来鼠年精彩的运程!Send you a bowl of dumplings, you will circle the dream of a career, round out the warm love, to family happy reunion, round brilliant in the year of the monkey to fortune!

18、Lantern Festival, send a bag of multicolored yuan xiao, transparent green eat a healthy, delicate and charming rose to eat out of love, brilliant golden eat out wealth, thick and red eat thing, dazzle magnificent purple eat out charm, with my blessing, your life will be very colorful: wish you everything goes well with the fifteenth day of the Lantern Festival!

19、The Lantern Festival comes and the lanterns are everywhere. Send you a bowl of special dumplings: genuine stuffing, good luck, healthy skin, safe juice. Send you a blessing, the person reunion, happy and carefree, blessing boundless. I wish you a happy and happy family!


20、元宵节,衷心祝愿你万事如意,前途看好。On the Lantern Festival, I sincerely wish you all the best and a bright future.

21、杨柳岸边烟花扬,花灯烂漫乌衣巷。且走且行且观赏,共享太平好时光。黑瓦白墙巷悠长,隔墙梅花正飘香。果盘点心吃汤圆,品酒论诗花芬芳。元宵快乐!Willow shore fireworks and lanterns brilliant wu lane。 And go and and viewing, sharing peace good times。 HeiWa lane long white wall, partition the plum blossom is fragrance。 Compote snack to eat dumplings, wine tasting held flower fragrance。 Yuanxiao is happy!

22、回荡着新春的热闹,吟唱着欢乐的歌调,迎接着春风的微笑,祝福的短信已来到,祝福你元宵快乐最独到,生活美好,事业走高,前途分外美妙。Echoed with the New Year's lively, singing songs of joy, smile to greet the spring breeze, the blessing of message has come, and wish you a happy Lantern Festival is the most original and beautiful life, career, the future is wonderful。

23、Small sweet dumpling, round head round brain round belly, short greeting, sincere sincere blessing, August 15 Lantern Festival, send a message, send a blessing, wish a friend happy Lantern Festival!

24、祝好运滔滔,幸福绵绵,事事成功,元宵快乐!I wish you good luck, happiness, success and happy Lantern Festival!

25、Draw a circle to bless you, happy and healthy follow you. Draw a Lantern Festival for you, the reunion center happy. Draw a flower lamp to hang your home, the Lantern Festival split the heart flower. Happy Lantern Festival, family reunion!

26、Came smiling flowers, some warm light, reunion eat a bowl of soup, make a happy wish, let the flower round full moon light round dumplings circle circle everything is satisfactory, every day happy, good dream round, Lantern Festival, happy love fate to flow!

27、The Lantern Festival, the morning sun came out, the lake water for her dressing, the new moon came up, the stars and his company, the bird song, the cricket to play for him. Everything in the world becomes a circle of harmony and beauty. May you enjoy the same happiness and peace in the Lantern Festival.

28、喝一口热腾腾的汤圆汤,让你开心快乐,神清气爽。Drink a hot dumpling soup, let you happy, refreshing.

29、元月十五赏月忙,赏了圆月幸福长。On the fifteenth day of January, the moon is busy, and the full moon is happy.

30、愿你十五元宵闹,吉祥好运把你照!Wish you 15 Lantern Festival, good luck to you!

31、元宵佳节,愿你福相伴,乐逍遥!The Lantern Festival, I wish you happiness and happiness!

32、愿您合家团圆,欢笑满颜,新年才开始,好日子才开始!I wish you a happy family reunion and a happy New Year!

33、香甜元宵尝一口,幸福生活身边绕。祝元宵节快乐!Taste sweet Lantern Festival, happy life around. Happy Lantern Festival!

34、元宵佳节,愿亲情友情爱情财运幸运福运人气手气运气都和您团圆,愿您的每一天都开心快乐!The Lantern Festival, wish family love, friendship, love, money, good luck, good fortune, sentiment, luck, luck and you reunion, wish you happy every day happy!

35、真诚的祝愿延续至今,祝愿你元宵节快乐!Wish you a happy Lantern Festival!

36、Yuanxiao, send you a bowl of yuan xiao, may sweet life with you life; Send you a wishing light, wish you a career success; Send you a message of blessing, I wish you a happy Lantern Festival, people more prosperous.

37、After a lively performance of two lion dancers, a roll, a leap, and a red couplets hung from the mouth. The golden dragon leaped into the air, and at the top of the two lion dances, it seemed to be a real fantasy, which added to the festival night.

38、月无日日圆,人无年年到。元宵佳节,伴着圆圆的月儿,万家的花灯放,祝您全家幸福。On the yen, a man without to every year。 The Lantern Festival, with a round moon, thousands of lanterns, I wish your family happiness。


39、The years are like a poem. Friendship is like song. Happy New Year! Your friendship is everlasting! The Lantern Festival, a toast to the moon; I wish you good luck and good luck!

40、祝君日子越来越红火,亲人团团圆圆,钱包圆圆鼓鼓。Wish you more and more prosperous day, family reunion, wallet round drum drum.

41、预祝同事们元宵节快乐,生活幸福美满!I wish my colleagues a happy Lantern Festival and a happy life!

42、家家户户红灯挂,街上彩旗哗啦响。正月十五元宵节,全家团圆品元宵。玉碗汤圆端上来,银杯高举一醉休。甜甜蜜蜜一家亲,共度元宵吉祥安。元宵节快乐!Families hang a red light, flags waving sound in the street。 The fifteenth day of the Lantern Festival, family reunion is tasted yuanxiao。 The jade bowl of dumplings, silver cup held up a drunk。 Sweet skin enjoy yuanxiao auspicious。 Happy Lantern Festival!

43、点亮十五盏七彩莲灯,照亮远方的心湖;许下个心愿,祈福美丽的晨曦;心镜如水,爱在佳节中。即使你远在他乡,祝福依然伴随你左右,元宵快乐!Light colorful lotus lamp, to illuminate the distance of heart lake; Made wishes, prayers for the beauty of the sunrise; Heart mirror like water, love in this Christmas。 Even if you far in exile, the blessing is still with you around, yuanxiao is happy!

44、Astimegoesby unnoticeably slipping away, friendship is like wine is mellow, years old friends together, say greetings still sincerely, Lantern Festival to send greetings:I wish you a happy life, sincere friendship constant companions!

45、祝你美满生活圆,阖家幸福身体康。I wish you a happy life, a happy family and good health.

46、The moon is round, reflecting the sweet smiling face, and the stars are filled with yearning, sweet dumplings, wrapped happy reunion, fireworks, dancing sincere wishes, blessing, carrying the warmth of friendship! Happy Lantern Festival!

47、The sincere rice, ground into the blessing of the noodles, mixed with sweet sugar, the auspicious benevolence, the synthesis happiness of the ball, put in the good soup, cooked into a happy sky, to happy you. Let the sweet surround you, good luck to care for you, happy and warm you, the reunion hug you. Happy Lantern Festival!

48、No matter gathering, or not to leave, the common products are a thousand miles away; No matter be happy, still worry, happy festival good luck come! I wish you a happy Lantern Festival!

49、But I love your warm arms. When the outside world makes me tired, does my darling know? They say the outside world is wonderful. I always want to run to my side! Happy Lantern Festival!

50、烟花绽放着辉煌,爆竹合唱着欢歌,灯谜猜开了梦想,美酒飘散着情意,汤圆搓圆了团聚,月光洒落着吉祥,舞步扭出了欢乐,幸福在心地流淌。元宵节快乐!Blooming brilliant fireworks, firecrackers singing song, lantern riddle guessing the dream, the wine away the feeling, tangyuan rub round reunited, the moonlight on the auspicious, dance twisted into a joy, happiness in the heart。 Happy Lantern Festival!

51、It is now, with my most real yearning. Let the wind send the full blessing, give me the rare you in life! Wishing you a happy Lantern Festival!

52、元宵包裹的是甜蜜,彩灯带来的是黑夜的光明,祝福送去的是我对你的关切,这条短信是祝福你元宵节快乐!Yuanxiao is sweet, is the night of the bright lights, blessing sent my concern to you, the message is wishes you: happy Lantern Festival!

53、正月十五好热闹,星光灿烂月亮笑。The fifteenth day of the first month is very lively, the stars are bright and the moon is smiling.

54、正月十五元宵节,吃的是团团圆圆的汤圆,送的是圆圆满满的祝福,赏的是五谷丰?登?愿的是步步高登,发的是短信祝愿,送的是真心实意,愿你元宵节快乐。The fifteenth day of the Lantern Festival, eat tuantuan round dumplings, send is round and full blessing of reward is the grain abundant? Deng? may is a Gordon, texting is wish, send is sincere, I wish you a happy Lantern Festival。

55、元宵月圆春花开,祝福踏月急赶来,给你好运最开怀,愿你开心最实在,烦恼忧愁早淘汰,幸福和美最关爱,成功之船在等待,祝福你元宵佳节最愉快。Yuanxiao moon spring flowers open, blessing step month come, good luck to you the most, wish you happy is the most true, is eliminated early, the most happiness and beauty care, waiting for the success of the boat, bless you a happy Lantern Festival is the most。

56、十五的元宵圆又圆,生活幸福比蜜甜。The Lantern Festival of 15 is round and round, and life is more happy than honey.



