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高二的英语作文 篇1


We are living in a globalized world and the cross—cultural communications are increasing nowadays. In other words,we have never been so closely connected with each other in the human histories. As a philosopher has pointed out,nobody is an isolated island. If we want to have a bright future,we need more cooperation for the development. Therefore,team spirit is very important. It is an bility that people can understand each other and cooperate with each other for the successful completion of some important tasks. We need such kind of ability in particular during the globalization for several reasons.


First of all,team spirit offers us a platform where we can operate our collective talent to work out thebest. Only when we work effectively together can we have the best chance to get the success. Taking the 2008 Beijing Olympics for example,I think the success of the event first goes to the superb team spirit of the organizers and millions of volunteers. So many people work hard and cooperate well for the single aim and the solitary goal:an exceptional Olympics for the whole world. A lot of student volunteers in Beijing are committed and work tirelessly during the hot summer. History has witnessed their brilliant teamwork and valuable contributions. What is more,team spirit is quite useful for personal career.


As young students,we must learn the core and sharpen our skills in the team. If you work in a company,most of the time you have to finish or design a huge project with your colleagues. Each person can contribute their wisdom to the completion of the task. You cannot do it so well single—handedly. When we watchthe Olympic Games on TV, we are so amazed by the excellent performances of the players. If they want to win the gold medals,they must compete as one person and exercise their own part well for the whole success. So we can say the team spirit is the secret of success.


Finally,team spirit is the symbol of national power and strength. As we all know, the Chinese delegationhas won the most medals during the 2008 Olympics and all Chinese people are so proud of our country. Another example is the touching power of the team spirit in the Sichuan earthquake. We were moved by the perseverance and persistence of the rescue workers,who were eager to help their compatriots.


In conclusion,team spirit is an important ability and skill in the 21th century because we are all facedwith the globalization and the question of how to live better. Therefore,we must learn to work well in the team and let the team spirit guide us to success.


高二的英语作文 篇2


Ten years later, I have already graduated from university, perhaps with a good work. Good luck, the boss's daughter would watch me, I have a house, car and, of course, beautiful women to accompany. I will make a lot of money to my parents buy a lot they like. I will live very happy!

Ten years later, maybe I'll become a professional basketball player, because I like playing basketball, I would raise many animals, so some heavy things to do to the robot. In Ten years, maybe I will become a policeman, to help people grasp the bad guys, fighting crime, become a hero.



Ten years later, I thought that I will become a doctor, because may help many people, I want to go to Paris to live, heard that is very beautiful, I will live with I best friend in the apartment, at that time, the child did not need to go to school, they at home through the computer study, in my family also had the robot, might help us to do many housework, I in the future life will not need the money, because the thing could be free, I good anticipated that I the future life, I will wait not to be anxious!

高二的英语作文 篇3














高二的英语作文 篇4


When people start to set the goal, they will think about the result immediately, of course they want to get the best result. If people can predict the result, most of them will give up by knowing the unsuccessful ending. It seems that if the result is bad, what people work for is meaningless. Well, in my opinion, the process of fighting for the goal is much more important than the result. When we fight for our goal, we will do our best and try to improve ourselves, even we fail in the end, but when we look back at the beginning, we can find that we are no longer the childish ones, we have grown up and become mature. What’s more, on the process of fighting, we get close to success, as the saying that fail is the mother of success. So don’t treat the result so serious, just enjoy the process.


Natural disasters are extreme sudden events caused by environmental factors that injure people and damage property. wild tornado white-out blizzard raging wildfire powerful hurricane all strike anywhere on earth often without warning.

Thousands of people die each year due to natural disasters. It brings on situations that can range from merely uncomfortable to life-threatening.

There's little doubthoweverthat natural disasters in most areas result primarily from human activities rather than natural processes.

the changes of the earth crust itself make the climate differs from place to place.This lead to the imbalance porprotion of the distributing of natural resources.For exampleAt the eastcoast of china is possessed by dense precipitation while the westcoast devoid of precipitation.




Since the invention of the mobile phones our life has changed greatly. Mobile phones facilitate our life we can not only keep in touch with our friends and families but also can search the Internet any time. A lot of people count on mobile phone so much they feel like missing something if they leave it.


When we walk on the street we can find that people are lowing down their heads and look at their mobile phones all the time. Most people have such experience they feel the vibration from their phones but when they take out the phones and check on them there is no message. It is their wrong feeling.

当我们走在大街上我们可以发现人们在低着头看自己的手机。大多数人都有这样的经验他们觉得手机在振动但当他们拿出手机来检查 发现没有消息。这是他们的错误感觉。

It seems that our life has been controlled by the scientific machine. We let the phone dominate our life without realizing it. We start to ignore the communication with our friends face to face we choose to chat online.


Let’s drop the mobile phone for a while and enjoy the moment with our families to enjoy the things around us.


高二的英语作文 篇5








高二的英语作文 篇6

Once upon a time there was a name of a beast every new year's Eve will come out and eat people, when people went to the mountain refuge. Once the village came to an old beggar. The villagers into the mountain he posted on the red paper on the door, years to see when the red paper to go in, then the beggar to throw firecrackers, to scare away the years, so people know the fear of red and the sound, so it is a poetic couplet paste firecracker custom中文:从前有一个叫野兽,每到除夕会出来吃人,当人们去山的避难所。一次村里来了一个老乞丐。村民们到山上,他贴在门上的红纸,年时看到的红纸进去,然后乞丐扔鞭炮,把年吓跑了,所以人们知道害怕红色和声响,所以这是一个诗意的贴对联鞭炮的习俗

高二的英语作文 篇7


英语作文:Yesterday, my mother clean the house, she did the big cleaning, so she searched every corner of the house, many old things were dig out, like the toys when I owned at the very early age. But there was one thing surprised me most, it is my photo album, my mother was happy to find it, she opened it to me, I saw myself in different stages. The photo album recorded me since I was born, I saw the wonderful moment my parents wrote, like the date I first talked, my parents took the picture of the moment. Seeing these moments, I felt so thankful to my parents, for not only they recording these beautiful moment, but also for they raise me up, they are such good parents that they cultivate me with all their hearts. I will return them when I grow up.

 【附翻译】 昨天,我的妈妈打扫了房子,她做了大扫除,所以她搜索了房间的每一个角落,很多旧东西被翻出来,比如我很小时候就有的玩具。但是有一样东西最让我震惊,那就是我的相册集,我的妈妈很高兴找到了它,她向是打开了相册集,我看到了不同时期的自己。相册集记录了从我出生起的一切,我看到了父母写下的美好时刻,比如我第一次说话的日子,他们也拍下了这个时刻。看到这些,我很感激父母,不仅仅是为了他们记录下的这些美妙的时刻,也是因为他们把我养大,他们是如此称职的父母,全心全意地养育了我。等我长大了要回报他们。

高二的英语作文 篇8

Everyone is attracted by beauty and beauty is powerful. But what is true beauty? Perhaps you can get the answer from the following story.

This morning I went to the market to buy some vegetables with my parents. On the way we all highly praised a young man in western-style clothes and leather shoes who was riding by. But he rode so fast that he knocked an old lady down carelessly.Instead of stopping, he pretended not to see this and rode away quickly. We were all very angry with the young man. To our happiness, a girl in plain dress ran forward at once, helped the lady up and took her home. We all praised the girl.

From this we know we cannot judge a person by his appearance. A person who is dressed beautifully may not have a beautiful soul. Only a person who has a beautiful soul is really beautiful




高二的英语作文 篇9

Recently I spent over three hours looking, reading and enjoying the exhibits at the National Palace Museum located in the suburbs. Many local and foreign visitors go there daily to take pictures outside and spend endless hours inside. No cameras are allowed inside, but you can buy you can buy colored slides of the exhibits in the gift shop downstairs. There is a very large collection of beautiful jades. Also, there is an ancient bronze vessel exhibit. Some of the exhibits are changed regularly for special collections such as porcelain and silk paintings. My attention was mainly in the room with the wall-size slide show describing some archeological discoveries from pre-history tine. Also, the oracle bones exhibit was very good; there seemed to be an endless amount of rare, beautiful, interesting, and fascinating things



高二的英语作文 篇10

Happiness is dependent upon work.

Sometimes we complain that we have too much work, but we fail to realize that it’s our work that keep us moving on and helps us to become a better man.

Last summer I visited my friends in a small village.

It was obvious that working has become an indispensable part of their daily lives.

They all went to the field to plant the crops.

The sun was shinning above them and they looked quite happiness about their work.

On their face there were such smiles as I had never seen before.

Work provide us with happiness.

Work is more than a necessity for human beings.

If we have no work to do, we will waste our precious time.

That’s pity.

We will lose everything in the end.

Work helps us to realize the importance of life, then we will appreciate it more.

Everybody who live in this society could not live without working.

If we spend every day idly, we will find life is boring.


When people are waiting for the new year’s coming, the government announces the next year’s holiday plan, people find that the new year’s eve is not off, people have to work! This is a big news for them, because new year’s eve is very important for Chinese people, they treat that day as a big day.

The holiday plan has been critical by the public, as for me, I feel astonished that people in the new year’s eve should work, because they get used to going home, having dinner with family, but now, they have to work in such a big day.

That day should be off, people have been working for a year, the Spring Festival is of importance, the day before Spring Festival is the day for the family getting together, having dinner and sharing happiness.

If people go home after work, they don’t have enough time to prepare for the big day.

New year’s eve should not be off.


When I see the cartoon, I like to watch the cat machine very much, he has a time machine, he always helps his friend to fine something with time machine.

The cartoon makes me think of what would I do if I have a time machine.

If I have a time machine, the first thing I want to do is go back to the time when I play with my friend, he now moves to another place, I never say goodbye to him, I want to make it up and say goodbye to him.

The second thing is I want to go back to the time when I shout at my mother, I regret about this all the time, I wish I had a chance to say sorry at that time.

Now I have to face the truth that I will never have time machine, I should cherish the time and thing I own now, be nice to my mother.


高二的英语作文 篇11

I have rested for 10 days.In these days,I felt very bored.I didn't know to do what. Although I had a lot of things to do,I felt uncomfortable.I was ill because of the hot weather.I was tired,sleepy and had no strength. My parents are worried about my health. in fact,it didn't matter.I was always in the room with air-conditioner and opened it in a low temperature.So when I went out,the high temperature disagreed to me.Finally,I was ill.



高二的英语作文 篇12



My summer vacation is very colorful. It is like a rainbow, colour is my mood; It's like a picture of a landscape, landscape is my mood; It is like a poem, beautiful is my mood.

Every day, I was rich and colorful. In a bad mood, I will carry a drawing board to the green fields, with the vast sky, birds fly freely in the sky, the clouds blow away in the wind. At the moment, my mood is like the breeze, the smooth flow of chang. If we get good mood, I will use my mood to write a beautiful poem, the poem will write a multicolored lollipops and soft cotton candy. This poem reflects my mood is so sweet. But if I moved, I will check out on lei feng epic saga, often think of a famous saying: "I think if they live, is for others to live better. At this time, my mood is moving, so I writing inspiration also came. If I want to take the risk of one day, I went to the woods to explore, I'll walk unusual road, hungry, go to the tree to pick wild fruit to eat; Tired, sat on a big rock, leisurely singing a nice song. Thirsty, drink water in the river, listen to the two springs month (c) the voice of the river, the heavens and the earth at this time, only the river and the birds sing, that's sounds of nature! This free, full of unexpected life adventure, pleasure.

My summer vacation life, is a vibrant, for my heart to build a kind of special flavoring, make my every day is -- suantiankula, four taste, although much homework, some bitter, but it is the four taste to make my summer vacation life more colorful.





高二的英语作文 篇13

Good environment can make people feel happy and fit . To improve the environment means to improve our life.

We should plant more trees and flowers around us . We shouldn’t cut them down . We should stop factories from pouring waste water into the river and waste gas into the air.

Whenever we see litter on the ground , we should pick it up and throw it into dusbins. Never spit in public. Don’t draw on public walls. It’s our duty to protect the environment.





高二的英语作文 篇14

Thanksgiving  parents, filial piety parents is the traditional virtues of the Chinese nation.  The ancients cloud: “who play inch grass heart, reported to the three inches  across?” Parents give us life, gave us a good living environment...

They  disregard the heat in the summer, summer gave us excellent condition, air  conditioning, computer, mobile phone... We are watching TV, playing computer,  but they in the sun, and hard to feed their families. Back their black, thin,  more wrinkles, head of white hair more.

Autumn,  collect food, after collect covered in ash, dirty. Rain to take us to learn,  even if he had been rain, let's get wet in the rain. Beads of rain drops fall on  your hair, drops to the face, in my heart.

It's  snowing in the winter. We are in play in the snow, they worry that we fell down?  Does it hurt? The frostbite? You need to wipe medicine? To take us to learn,  large tracts of snow fall in the body, but looking at us happy smile...

Parents  are so take care of us, we don't know returns, ungrateful. “Who made the  heart-inch grass, at a three inch across?” At that time I didn't understand the  meaning of this sentence.

孝顺父母感恩父母,是中华民族的传统美德  。古人云:“谁演寸草心,报的三寸晖?”父母赐给了我们生命,赐给了我们良好的生活环境……





I  consider my parents as the most important people in my life。 This is not because  they’re wealthy or famous。 Rather, what I value about most is the care and love  they show to me。


My  parents might work hard, but they’re always there for me。 Whenever I get into  trouble and desperately need a hand, they e over first to support me and  encourage me。 I grew up with their constant care and love。 While they’re getting  older with grey hair and wrinkles, they never lose dignity in both life and  jobs。


From  my parents, I have learned that one person can really make a difference。 I’ll  never forget their care and love。

Gratefulness  brings a great fullness to life。 I wish they could always be happy and healthy。  It is high time we expressed our gratitude to people we cherish!


There  are three people in my family, my parents and I. We live happily together. Every  morning, mother makes breakfast for us. Sometimes, it’s my father’s job. And  then, father drives mother and me to school. My mother is an English teacher in  my school. We have lunch and dinner at home. Sometime, my father eats outside,  but he would call and tell us advanced. My family is a traditional Chinese  family. Father is the backbone and mother takes care of our daily lives. I don’t  have to worry about anything and all I have to do is working hard on my study. I  have a happy family.


I  consider my parents as the most important people in my life. This is not because  they’re wealthy or famous. Rather, what I value about most is the care and love  they show to me.

My  parents might work hard, but they’re always there for me. Whenever I get into  trouble and desperately need a hand, they come over first to support me and  encourage me. I grew up with their constant care and love. While they’re getting  older with grey hair and wrinkles, they never lose dignity in both life and  jobs.

From  my parents, I have learned that one person can really make a difference. I’ll  never forget their care and love. Gratefulness brings a great fullness to life.  I wish they could always be happy and healthy. It is high time we expressed our  gratitude to people we cherish!

Dear  Mom and Dad,

I  love you! I love you with all my heart! This letter to you is to tell you my  true feelings from the bottom of my heart.

Thank  you so much for bringing me up! Thank you so much for raising me. I know how  hard you’ve worked during the past years. I can imagine how many difficulties  and obstacles (障碍) you’ve conquered. I can imagine all the problems you have  faced and all the sweat and tears you have shed to make my life better. I can  fully understand what a huge responsibility it is to raise a child. You’ve been  very patient with me. You’ve encouraged me and you’ve helped me. You’ve tried  your hardest to give me the best things in life. You’ve made a lot of sacrifices  and many difficult choices. I also know that you have great expectations (热切的期望)  of me. You want me to be very successful and happy. You want me to be the best  person I can be. You want me to do great things with my life. You want me to  make the world a better place. I know you have so many hopes and dreams for my  future.

Today  I want to tell you something extremely important (极其重要的) .Today I want to tell  you that you don’t need to worry about me anymore. I’m grown up! I will be  responsible (负责任) for my life and for my future. I will study very hard. I will  exercise every day to keep fit. I will read English every morning and every  night. I will make the best use of every spare minute. I will be happy,  confident, positive and energetic every day! I will develop good habits and use  them to constantly improve myself. I will never do anything that would harm my  body or my mind.

高二的英语作文 篇15


Depend on Yourself

“Depend on yourself” is what nature says to everyone. Parents, teachers and others can all help us, but they only help us to help ourselves and make men of us.

There have been many great men in history. Though many of them were very poor in their childhood with no one to depend on for an education, they set to work with all their determination to gain knowledge. Finally they worked their own way up to fame.

Thinking of all those self-made men around us, we are well aware of the importance of depending on oneself. What they have in common, in spite of the differences in their fields, is their determination to succeed in their careers and the spirit to depend on their own honest and earnest efforts. In fact, no one will achieve anything unless he depends on himself.

It hurts to love someone and not be loved in return. but what is more painful is to love someone and never find the courage to let that person know how you feel.a sad thing in life is when you meet someone who means a lot to you, only to find out in the end that it was never meant to be and you just have to let go.

the best kind of friend is the kind you can sit on a porch swing with, never say a word, and then walk away feeling like it was the best conversation you've ever had.it's true that we don't know what we've got until we lose it, but it's also true that we don't know what we've been missing until it arrives.it takes only a minute to get a crush on someone, an hour to like someone, and a day to love someone- but it takes a lifetime to forget someone. don't go for looks; they can deceive. don't go for wealth, even that fades away. go for someone who makes you smile because it takes only a smile to make a dark day seem bright.

dream what you want to dream; go where you want to go; be what you want to be, because you have only one life and one chance to do all the things you want to do.always put yourself in the other's shoes. if you feel that it hurts you, it probably hurts the person too.a careless word may kindle strife; a cruel word may wreck a life; a timely word may level stress; a loving word may heal and bless.the happiest of people don't necessarily have the best of everything they just make the most of everything that comes along their way.

love begins with a smile, grows with a kiss, ends with a tear. when you were born, you were crying and everyone around you was smiling. live your life so that when you die, you're the one smiling and everyone around you is crying.



